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Hippies are pissed at Starbucks

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 6:31 am
by LizEriadoc
News report last night cracked me up. Evidently, Starbucks changed the recipe for their strawberry frap to switch from artificial ingredients to all natural. So the new recipe uses red food coloring extracted from cochineal beetles. ... 75395.html

The reason I bring this up is because of a funny back story. I took a summer term Bio class a few years ago, and we were required to give an oral presentation on something related to what we were studying, which at the time was insects. I always dread crap like this and postpone it until I absolutely have to act. So to exact my revenge, I decided to give my presentation on the cochineal beetle.

The presentation was due the Thursday before the 4th of July (our independence day). So of course, everything is decked out in red, white, and blue. I brought red velvet cupcakes and handed them out to the class before my presentation. Once everyone had finished, I got up and explained how crushed up cochineal beetles were used to make red food coloring. And then I paused. You could see them all connecting the dots as the expression on their collective faces changed to one of horror and repulsion.

It was the most enjoyable class assignment I've ever had.

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 9:57 am
by Fanelwen
Haha, am sitting here wondering how many went to the bathroom and purged themselves after listening to what you had to say. I never knew that it was crushed beetles that made red food coloring. PROTEIN!!! haha. But regardless, funny story liz.

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 1:26 pm
by Jarinu
There are some weird things used. I had a friend that used to work in a yogurt company and its amazing what makes flavours and colours.....

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 1:38 pm
by Thoraf
hehe fkn awesome :)

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 3:00 pm
by varutia
To be realistic, I ate locust, frog, ants, various of bugs etc for fun when little with friends. I just don't see why it is such a big deal.

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 4:16 pm
by Delarian
Ive had snake pidgeon and turtle hell most of what we eat comes from the earth in on way or another im pretty sure the toothpaste u use has some sort of animal lool amazing story tho

Tune in to the next episode of Bizarre Foods with our Host -

Posted: Sun 08 Apr, 2012 5:32 am
by Adun
Bizarre Foods with LizEriadoc.

This is a Zen experience. You are what you eat. From dust to dust...

Molecularly, all those atoms you are eating are the same from the Periodic Table of the Elements.

The reason why it is called the Periodic Table of the Elements is because you use it periodically.

Posted: Sun 08 Apr, 2012 6:12 pm
by biliy
I had Sea SNake in China once, that was pretty wierd. I hate to say it but i also ate Whale Blubber, I am sorry i ever went near it but it was 20 years ago when i worked for a Jap company and it was at a function.

Tasted like a lump of Lard, /vommit