Turkish Garlic Bread.

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Turkish Garlic Bread.

Post by Arrowmiss »

This recipe uses those big long Turkish Pide breads, and is yum.

Turn your oven on to 220o

Make your garlic butter... melt off some butter in a ramekin, then add garlic to taste. I use fresh garlic... maybe 5 / 6 cloves, but the minced stuff in a jar is fine to use and a lot easier. You can add chopped parsley to take some of the Garlic Breath away, but it's not essential.

Make deep scores across the pide about 1" apart. This ensures the butter soaks into the bread.

Now, paint the top of the loaf liberally with the butter, pushing the butter into the score cuts. Use a pastry brush or a new paintbrush to do this. Paintbrushes make great pastry brushes, but use a new one. Turpentine doesn't work as a seasoning, and believe me, I've tried it.

Cheese is next. Sprinkle over some crumbled Lemnos Feta. Then, over that, generously sprinkle grated cheddar.

You can use mozzarella or a mix of both or any cheese you prefer. Shaving some Parmesan over the top is delicious too.

Throw it into the oven until it is browned to your liking.

Get a large 1hs and cut it into slices.

U can add variations such as chopped bacon, etc to the cheese, or it works equally well if you slice the loaf and top each slice with the butter and cheese.

Is yum and makable drunk, which is always a bonus.
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Post by Thoraf »

oooh this sounds awesome !!
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