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Posted: Mon 22 Aug, 2011 1:11 pm
by Covou
Saburo wrote:
Kritoris wrote:
Thoraf wrote:hopefully people will get better at running when they are remoted and multiple AE's become less of a problem, that said only need to win a few more times and we'll not go back :)

It's one of those fights that has a lot that can go wrong and not a lot of room for errors. We will have to win it a couple more times and if anyone has any thoughts on how we can do it better, please post on the thread so we can consider them.
Sure here you go;

1. Aggro Control

Melee (especially) need to pay attention to the DPS off calls. Turn attack off and dump your target (ESC key). Wait until at least 3-5 seconds after the Audio Trigger goes off before re-acquiring your target and attacking.

Conversely. Tanks. Don't turn attack off and don't stop taunting.

Reasoning: There should be no way I can get to to the top of the hate list when I have been using this method and yet I still do. Most of the time I notice I'm tanking and feign back onto the tank (lost DPS) however if the Visage gets a lucky round or 2 off on me I die. This equals vastly reduced DPS for Phase 3. The more DPS we lose and have to get back in Phase 2 = less chance of winning Phase 3.

2. Phase 3

I don't care if you're the Queen of Sheba, if you don't have a Hotkey /target Static then you are costing us this raid. Relying on your MA in Phase 3 is not enough. MA's can be slow to locate targets. Spam the Hotkey through the entire Phase.

3. Pull location for Phase 3

Last time around someone decided to go with a new pull location. Unfortunately at least 3/4 of the raid and the majority of the tanks, including the one pulling didn't seem to be made aware of this change. A location for Phase 3 needs to be laid out at the start of the raid and the entire raid force should be made to move there to afirm this location before triggering the event.

As soon as your Visage dies you should be moving to the location of Phase 3. Do not sit at the banner. Do not stand around playing with yourself. When Brell goes active (a few seconds after the death of the last Visage) he can immediately spawn a Static Field. If we're still spread out like a bunch of high school cheerleaders then it will make the job of killing it a lot harder.

4. Ranged DPS

I don't care if you lose 8/10's of your DPS by sitting under a mob. This event does not call for insane DPS it calls for close contact shoulder hugging goodness. So I'm looking at you Rangers, Necros, Wizards and whoever else sits more than 10 feet from the feet of the mob. Get in close and give your guild a group hug. If the melee have to move more than 10 feet to pickup the Static Field then overall we lose more DPS than yours alone.
well said

Posted: Mon 22 Aug, 2011 7:36 pm
by Thoraf
I'd like the melee to do all those things AND back away from the visage pls on mem wipe incoming